You are lied to every election.

But you don't have to believe the lies

Be Informed

Third-Parties Spoil The Election

Statistics show that third-party options equally pull from traditional Democrats and Republicans.

  • Votes for a third-party would not magically go to a different candidate.
  • Many third-party voters would not vote if their candidate was not on the ballot.
  • A candidate does not lose because they "lost" votes from the third-party; they lost because they never had those voters.

The spoiler is sadly a lie that is repeated election after election; it's not true.

Voting Third-Party is a Wasted Vote

A third-party vote is far from a waste; in fact, it's more than a protest vote as well.

  • Third-Party vote totals are crucial for party status.
  • The votes in the General Presidential Election are needed for Ballot Access and other aspects that impact elections for the next four years.
  • Voting for a candidate who represents you and your values is never a wasted vote.

No vote is a wasted vote; regardless of who you vote for, you should vote in every election!

Third-Parties are Stealing Votes

A Third-Party cannot "steal" votes; votes are earned, not automatic

  • Statistics show that third-party options equally pull from traditional Democrats and Republicans.
  • You cannot steal votes; you cast one vote and one vote only.
  • Votes are earned and belong solely to the candidate who earned them.

Like the spoiler, this is a common lie, echoed election after election.

This Election is Too Important

This lie is repeated every election: "this is the most important election of our lives."

  • The media, the two-party duopoly, and the candidates tell you this every election.
  • Elections are important, but at some point, you have to decide enough is enough.
  • We cannot continue to kick the can down the road; we need to break the cycle.

Next election, you will again hear that the election is too important to "vote third-party." But this is yet again a control mechanism employed by the political elite and their endless marketing.

We Cannot Let Them Win

If you vote for the lesser of the two evils presented by the duopoly, you end up with an evil elected.

  • You can prevent both evils from getting into office; vote for a non-evil candidate.
  • This is one of the most common tactics; the candidates convince you of all their opponents' evils while ignoring their own evilness.
  • Both of the two-party duopoly members are evil; for generations, they have lied to you; they have been corrupt, they break their promises.

Don't vote against someone; vote for someone! Vote for the candidate who best represents you, regardless of party.

Third-Parties Should Focus Local

So often, the two-party duopoly will dismiss Third-Parties, claiming they should focus on state and local elections.

  • The Libertarian Party participates in Local, State, and Federal elections in every election cycle.
  • Major Party status is determined from the popular vote in the General Presidential Election.
  • The system is set up so that Third-Parties can only impact state and local elections if they have a showing in the Presidential Election.

There are many Third-Party candidates in state and local elections. There are also many elected to office at those levels. Yet again, this is another lie from the two-party duopoly. A lie that the two-party duopoly uses to ensure Third-Party has as little impact locally as possible.

Third-Parties Cannot Win

Anyone can win, regardless of party affiliation, yet this lie spreads like wildfire.

  • If a Third-Party candidate receives the required votes, they will win.
  • Systems, like the Electoral College, do not negatively impact the eligibility for a third-party to win.
  • The only way for a Third-Party to prevail is for people to vote for the Third-Party!

This lie is a self-fulfilling prophecy; it's only true if the public believes it.

Third-Parties Wait Till the End

This lie makes a big deal of the fact that you don't hear about the Third-Party candidates until late in the election cycle. But this is part of the plan devised by the two-party duopoly.

  • Every election, while the two-party duopoly rents out stadiums and fuels their private jets, Third-Parties are spending enormous amounts of time and money to just be on the ballot.
  • Third-Parties start early, earlier than the duopoly, because they must fight to be on the ballot long before they can start campaigning.
  • The budgets of a Third-Party compared to the two-party duopoly members are very small, which means marketing efforts must be focused and lean.

Third-Parties do not have guaranteed or free access to the same platforms of the two-party duopoly. Third-Parties must fight to even be on the ballot, spending a significant amount of time and money before they can even engage voters.

Third-Parties Won't Debate

This lie couldn't be further from the truth. Third-Parties would debate, but the two-party duopoly simply won't let them.

  • The debate commission is owned by the Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee.
  • The debate commission ensures that Third-Parties have no chance to see the debate stage.
  • One method they utilize is excluding Third-Parties from the polls; you cannot poll at any percentage if you're excluded from the poll.

Imagine blaming Third-Parties for their lack of debate participation when you're the one who won't let them debate, but that's exactly the types of lies they employ every election.

Libertarians are Liberals

The Libertarian Party is neither Liberal nor Conservative. The Libertarian Party is its own party, with its own principles, ideals, and views.

  • The Democrats and Republicans are more similar than either are to the Libertarian Party.
  • Libertarians are not a moderate, middle-ground. Although there are shared "ideals" from either party, the Democrats and Republicans have proven time-in and time-out that they don't execute these shared ideals.
  • The Libertarian Party is the only party fighting for true freedom, trying to keep the government out of your life.

Simply put, the Libertarian Party doesn't believe others should force their will on you, and you shouldn't tell others how to live either. This is drastically different than both members of the two-party duopoly.

Libertarians are Conservative

The Libertarian Party is neither Conservative nor Liberal. The Libertarian Party is its own party, with its own principles, ideals, and views.

  • The Republicans and Democrats are more similar than either are to the Libertarian Party.
  • Libertarians are not a moderate, middle-ground. Although there are shared "ideals" from either party, the Republicans and Democrats have proven time-in and time-out that they don't execute these shared ideals.
  • The Libertarian Party is the only party fighting for true freedom, trying to keep the government out of your life.

Simply put, the Libertarian Party doesn't believe others should force their will on you, and you shouldn't tell others how to live either. This is drastically different than both members of the two-party duopoly.

Libertarians Do Not Have Experience

Just like any candidate, Libertarians come from diverse backgrounds. Some have served the public for decades, while others have served their community and country in the private market. Regardless of the path to office, Libertarians are equally and often more qualified for the positions they seek.

  • The Libertarian Party has hundreds of elected officials in office across the country.
  • The Founding Fathers never intended for people to make a career of politics; instead, politicians were supposed to be ordinary citizens representing their constituents.
  • The Founding Fathers were clear: The service in office should be a sacrifice.

The Libertarian Party is the largest Third-Party in American and presents candidates with diverse experiences from public and private sectors; the lack of experience claim is a lie.

End the Duopoly

The two-party duopoly will do everything within their power to maintain their control and the division of the American population. Voters fight with each other instead of focusing on fighting the broken system. People vote against candidates they dislike instead of for candidates that represent their values and views. But that can change, and it starts with the American people using their voice and their votes. Statistics show that third-party options equally pull from Democrats and Republicans. All Americans have a chance to end the duopoly!

Join the Libertarian Party Today

You CAN Make a Difference

It all starts with you using your voice, and more importantly, your vote.

  • Vote for the candidate that best represents your values and beliefs; don't vote for the "lesser of two evils."
  • Don't vote against someone; vote for who you believe is the best option.
  • Vote third-party up and down the ticket, and end the two-party duopoly.

It only takes one General Presidential election to elevate a third-party to Major Party status. Please don't buy their lies; you can make a difference; you can end the corruption, fraud, lies, and gridlock.

Ranked Choice Voting

One of the two-party duopoly mechanisms to maintain power is our election process, specifically, "first past the post" voting that favors two parties.

  • Support Ranked Choice Voting in your local elections and state; support candidates who support Ranked Choice Voting.
  • Tell your representatives at the local level that you want Ranked Choice Voting.
  • Speak with your federal-level representatives about changing the voting process to Ranked Choice.

Ranked Choice Voting nullifies nearly every lie the two-party duopoly tells you. It also results in the election of unifying candidates and will repair the divide in our nation.

The 2020 Election

After days of waiting, the results are seemingly in: Joe Biden has won the election. The situation is not indifferent to the 2000 election. Not only have we waited for days for the votes to be tallied, but we are likely facing weeks of lawsuits, recounts, and overall disagreement.

Yet again, you, the voters, have divided America.

You played into the hands of the political elite, the corrupt lobbyist, and the lying candidates. Make no mistake; the division of the American population is by design. They want us fighting each other instead of fighting the system.

And election after election, you buy into their lies and play their game.

For every voter out there who voted for Trump, who cannot sleep knowing Joe Biden will be in office: This outcome is on you.

You threw away your vote. You didn't just vote for the lesser of two evils. You didn't only vote against a candidate instead of for a candidate who represents you. You blew your chance to keep Biden out of office.

Joe Biden will seemingly win by a razor-thin margin. Take a look at the results - Biden wins by only thousands of votes.

For every voter outer there who voted for Biden, but unenthusiastically, who's only goal was to keep Trump out of office. This is on you too.

You put Joe Biden in office by not voting for Jo Jorgensen; you spoiled the election. You wasted your vote. This is on you.

And just remember in four years, when the two old parties put up dismal candidates, you had a chance to end the cycle, and you did nothing. So, maybe next election you'll remember this moment and stand-up to the two-party duopoly.

Don't waste the next four years! Learn more about what a free society can really look like, learn to let other people live their own lives. Learn how to prevent both parties from continuing to divide the nation and negatively impact our lives.

Learn about the Libertarian Party. And stop repeating the same broken cycle.

Break the Cycle

Generations of Republican and Democrat politicians have failed America's people, and it's time for a new approach.

Join the Libertarian Party Today